We believe in a brighter

future for Minneapolis


  • Affordable Housing

    We believe fostering development through public-private partnerships can incentivize housing development, ease restrictive zoning and regulations, and increase the supply of quality, affordable housing at all levels of income. Continued investment in infrastructure and public goods is essential to support both affordable and market-rate housing development.

    Strict rent control policies as have been enacted in cities like Saint Paul fail to increase the housing supply, and instead make the development of housing more difficult by stymying private investment. Failure to produce sufficient housing has been shown to exacerbate inequality, homelessness, and mental health issues, making it imperative that Minneapolis use research-backed policy to create an adequate housing stock.

  • Public Safety

    Public safety is the foundation upon which a thriving city is built. We must bolster our police staffing levels to effectively reduce crime rates while ensuring police accountability and transparency. We strongly support increased police staffing, the professionalization of the police force, and reforms to enhance transparency within the department. We reject all efforts to "defund" or demonize the police.

  • Economic Development

    Economic growth is a powerful tool to reduce historic inequality. Minneapolis can and must embrace a new era of economic revitalization. By leveraging the private market, philanthropy, and targeted government assistance, we can drive growth. Responsible companies big and small are not the enemy—good-paying jobs and positive community involvement should be encouraged, not criticized. We support measures that foster local entrepreneurship, strengthen the small business community, and incentivize investment in the local economy and historically marginalized communities. 

  • Service-Oriented Government

    Our local government must prioritize achieving beneficial community outcomes over blind adherence to political ideology and posturing. Leaders should be held accountable and act in the best interests of the city and its residents. City Hall must use research and data to craft policies that lead to a better future, not engage in political one-upmanship.

    We believe that certain council members have continually failed this basic test of governance. Years of inaction at George Floyd Square and allowing the Third Precinct Police Station to remain an eyesore rather than a renovated asset for the community is testament to a failure to govern wisely.  

  • Homelessness

    Providing shelter to those in need is a moral imperative of government. A coordinated effort by federal, state, and municipal governments, in alliance with business and philanthropy, must ensure housing for all in our community.

    We oppose illegal encampments as they exacerbate issues like crime, addiction, and mental distress and infringe upon the rights of all citizens to peacefully enjoy public spaces. All efforts to confront homelessness must prioritize rehabilitation of the person and revitalization of the community.

We’d love to stay in touch.

We want a safer, more affordable city that provides opportunity for everyone — but that’s only possible if more people who share our vision take action this spring. Sign up below to stay in the loop on our work together.