We love Minneapolis.

But we think it can be a safer, more affordable city — one that provides opportunity for all of its residents.


We’re a grassroots project focused on building a brighter future together, but we need political leaders who share our vision.

Caucus Night: April




And to get there, we need you.

Minneapolis residents are counting on city leaders to focus on progress — not their own agenda.


That means fully funding police, fire, and our city’s essential services, keeping housing costs and property taxes in check, and revitalizing our business community.


Ever wonder how some of our leaders get elected?

Long before voters cast their ballot in November, a few hundred people determine which candidate will receive their party’s endorsement. The candidate with the DFL endorsement has won over 90% of the time the last ten years.

The good news? You can be part of the process.

Make a plan to attend the DFL Precinct Caucuses on April 8 at 7pm.

1. Attend your caucus

Participating in the endorsement process is an important first step to having your values represented in city government — and it all starts with these neighborhood caucuses.

2. Bring a friend

Often, only a few hundred people per ward participate in their caucuses. That means every person counts, so invite a friend, neighbor, or family member to join you in shaping the future of our city.

3. Sign up to be a delegate

As a delegate, you’ll have a say in the final endorsement process, helping you determine the future leadership of our community. It’s simple to sign up — just raise your hand at your precinct caucus!

Less than 30% of eligible voters participated in our last city election. That means that some of our city council members were elected with less than 1,400 votes.

We’d love to stay in touch.

We want a safer, more affordable city that provides opportunity for everyone — but that’s only possible if more people who share our vision take action this spring. Sign up below to stay in the loop on our work together.